Our hair distinguishes us from other people by giving our head and entire body a whole new personality. It gives a sense of individuality and makes every person unique. Each of us needs to take care of our hair not only for aesthetic reason, but more importantly, to maintain our head’s protection from heat and rain. The hair basically lasts for two to six years, which is the normal cycle of hair growth. Each hair follicle grows approximately one centimeter per month, and almost all hair grows at the same time. The remaining hair which us usually about ten percent of our total hair, enters a resting phase which is a period of cessation of hair growth. After three months, the resting hair falls out and new hair starts to grow in its place. It is considered normal to see some hair after you shower, since shedding is a part of the hair cycle. However, some people may experience excessive hair loss, whether it be a woman, man, or child.
Hair loss can be atirbuted to a number of reasons. Major medical treatments can make a person lose hair for as long as three to four months, a condition which occurs usually before and after surgery. Many cancer patients also lose hair...