One of the most popular images around Halloween time is the colorful orange Jack-o-Lantern face. There are endless possibilities when designing a Jack-o-Lantern. They can be scary, happy, sad, weird, angry, silly, human or animal like. People love looking at carved pumpkins, and they are often the centerpiece of outside Halloween decorations.
While carving a pumpkin is relatively simple, there are a few things to keep in mind while you are hunting for that perfect pumpkin for your display.
1) Look for carvable pumpkins that have a strong stem that is firmly attached. To check for ripeness, pick up the pumpkin and thump it a few times. You should hear a hollow sound, which lets you know this pumpkin will be easy to scoop out. The pumpkins surface should be smooth and free of blemishes and discolorations.
2) Be sure to always carry your pumpkin from the bottom. DO NOT carry it by the stem, because the stem may snap, which speeds up rotting.
3) Store your pumpkins in a cool, dry place. Heat and light speeds up rotting.
4) Before carving your pumpkin, wash it in a solution of 1 teaspoon of chlorine bleach and 1 gallon of water. This prevents...