Culturally speaking in the United States, women are supposed to love the idea of carrying around some sort of handbag for the majority of their life. Not all women love the idea of a handbag. Some completely resist, shoving everything under the sun in their numerous pockets and being perfectly willing to leave a lot more at home than other women. Theres nothing wrong with this. Some people find it surprising when their girlfriend resists the idea, but men are often relieved at the money saved in handbag expenses.
However, sometimes there is a need for a woman who really can not handle the idea of carrying purse to move into the handbag territory simply because of its necessity. Whether for work or for medical reasons or for other reasons, their life simply can no longer fit into their pockets, no matter how hard they try. Thus, it is time to embark on the mission of buying a handbag for the woman who hates handbags.
First, its important to understand why it is that the handbag is such a bitter idea. Most women and even men associate a handbag with traditional female roles and obligations. A handbag is a symbol to many women, a symbol that indicates that women are...