What is it about handbags that drive the girls bonkers? It’s handbags and shoes- an awesome combination that makes significant others jealous everywhere.
And no, it’s never adequate only to possess one in your stash, but to have an entire years worth of handbags and fashion accouterments so that you can match it with whatever you’re wearing that day (or whatever mood you’re in).
There is something very sultry and raw about handbags- they exude femineity. It’s probably the defining accessory for women because it goes beyond footwear, or other clothing we put on our physical bodies- handbags are what make women standout from a purely fashion point of view.
Handbags are not merely eye candy, in fact, they provide various different uses as well. There are all purpose handbags that can carry your daily essentials such as cell phones, makeup, wallet, and anything else you’d like to have around with you.
There are particular handbags that people use to carry their canine fellows as well. Women rarely use one style of handbag. They usually have a rack full of different bags for different occasions.
There are all...