Handbags have become an essential commodity for women. It becomes difficult for a buyer to select a handbag since the market if flooded with different types. While selecting a handbag, it is essential to match it with your body type.
Oversized and large handbags are best for those who are tall and slim. A small handbag can make the person look even taller. Thus it is best to select a small one. The handbags that suits best for tall and thin women are clutches, oversized handbags, and shoulder bags. For the shorter girls, small handbags suit best. The larger handbags can overpower you, and in the process can make you look even shorter. A tight fitting short handbag against your body can make you look taller than you are.
If you are blessed with a gorgeous, curvy body, select a medium sized handbag that hangs just above your waist. It accentuates your waistline and makes your body look all the more flattering. Women of plus size should avoid handbags with short straps and the short handbags. A larger and wider handbag best suits their style since it makes them look smaller.
The handbag itself is classified into various types like the shoulder bag, the...