When you find yourself in the midst of credit card debt, you may wonder if there is any way to pay off your balances without accruing so much interest and becoming trapped in what seems an inescapable cycle. If you can go online, visit the America Express website at http://www.americanexpress.com to see what they have to say about credit card debt consolidation. The American Express credit card offers a six month period without credit card interest. This means that if you transfer your balances from your Visa, MasterCard, or Discover cards, you will not accrue any interest on these balances. You only receive one statement and deal with one company for all your cards.
Credit card debt consolidation lowers your monthly payments, which means that you will be paying out less each month than you have been. This is great news for those people with high monthly bills. You will have more access to cash and be able to apply that money either to the principle of our debt or to other needs.
The American Express credit card would be the only card you carry. So you would receive only one statement each month. If you are paying forty dollars on three credit...