Hartford Auto Insurance Company Is A Financial Giant With A Strong Track Record And Competitive Rates. Maybe It’s Time To Switch?
The Hartford Auto Insurance programs offer competitive rates, high-quality coverages and benefits that are more than just a promise – they guarantee it. Wow, now that’s some statement.
Lets see why millions of drivers are insured with The Hartford.
Combined Auto and Homeowners Discount
If you insure both your auto and homeowners coverage, you could save as much as 15% off the premiums for both policies.
Passive Restraints Discount
Is your car is equipped with automatic safety belts and/or air bags? If so, The Hartford can save you up to 30% off your medical and/or personal injury coverage.
Renewal Discount
The Hartford offers renewal discounts as a special thank-you for your business. Once your insured with them you’ll be eligible to receive this additional discount.
Multi-car Discount
More than one car? You can receive a discount of up to 25% on each car when you insure them with Hartford Auto Insurance Company.
Anti-theft Devices Discount
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