Has the Philosophers Stone Been Found? Quantum Science Begins to Understand Ancient Alchemy
Throughout the 70s & 80s Hudson was totally perplexed by a substance he could not identify Please let me explain. David was a highly successful Arizona farmer & in the 70s began a gold mining enterprise on his land as a hedge against inflation & to attract various tax benefits. During mining he found what was commonly known to old miners as Ghost goldHowever the more he mined the more accumulated, so much so it was actually reducing his precious metal output therefore he had a vested interest to investigate same. Over the next 10 years his ghost gold frustration grew & grew. This material:
1. When dried & exposed to direct sunlight would explode in a flash of intense light but with NO force. 2. Was entirely resistant to any normal form of chemical analysis. He later found they had no real chemistry BUT did have resonance he learnt to manipulate.
3. Was also resistant to normal spectrographic analysis to identify its constituents although in time a method was adopted from Russian spectrographic research to identify it.
4. When purified...