Abuse is the most horrible attempt at power that I have ever researched! This is why:
The shame that is felt by an abused person is so deep that it takes years to unfold, then years to put in a safe place. Some never get that far. They turn to drugs, alcohol, and even eating disorders that tear their physical being apart. Some even repeat the same actions that were done to them with, their spouses or children.
Definition of Shame: “the painful feeling arising from the consciousness of something dishonorable, improper, ridiculous, etc., done by oneself or another.” In the issue of abuse, shame is what the victim is left to deal with and live with forever.
An abused person can turn their guilt towards their abuser to free themselves of that horrible feeling, but they are still scarred by shame. They continue to suffer in a torture that is far worse than the actual abuse they have experienced. To feel powerless and unable to stop the abuse, is just the beginning of the after effects of the horrible shock that their mind has had to deal with. To know and to fear that it will occur again and again, and that they are just one step away from crying...