The whole world and their sweetheart use airline credit cards, but are you sure that you are using the best possible airline credit card? Think about it, the difference between just any airline credit card and the THE perfect one is pretty much like the difference between all the people you dated and THE one you finally married. Airline miles credit cards come a dime a dozen, so if you really want one to work for you, you have to be sure you selected the perfect card.
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For example, the first thing you may want to check is its pedigree which retailer accepts the card you use? Does your favorite retailer use it? Do they offer any additional schemes and rewards which will help you notch up air miles or points? Do a thorough survey. Visit your supermarkets, neighborhood retail shops, check out their brochures, phone them, do a full analysis before you buy your airline miles credit cards.
In case you see you can get a better offer from another card, negotiate with the current company. More often than not, you will see they prefer to keep your business rather than lose you to the competition. And who knows, you may even land up getting...