Setting up a merchant account makes it easy and affordable for your business to accept credit cards.
Setting up merchant account services offers you:
Improved customer satisfaction
Larger customer base with more payment options
Increased credibility for your business
With a merchant account you can offer your customers several payment options:
Point of sale processingUsing physical terminals to process your sales
Virtual terminal processingTo process telephone, fax, or Internet sales made at a web site
Softwareto make sales using your computer to process orders
Your company cannot afford to ignore the need to accept credit cards. Setting up a merchant account solves this problem. Any good merchant account representative can give you the information you need on how you can either add credit card acceptance to, or improve credit card processing for, your business.
Even if your company is considered high risk, (adult sales, gambling sites and other similar high risk business categories) a merchant account can be set up for you! Most US banks will not set up high risk merchant accounts. However, if your...