If you are having credit troubles, you are not alone. Many people are denied funding, financing and loans everyday because their credit is poor, bad or nonexistant! Most of these people make the same credit mistakes over and over.
These common mistakes and tips can help you improve your credit score and your chances of getting a loan at better interest rates.
1. Check your credit report. It is one of the most common mistakes, but you need to know if what is stated on your credit report is correct or not. Incorrect entries could negatively impact your score.
2. Always pay your bills on time. One of the most obvious credit mistakes, but many people ignore this adage and build a record of late payments. Even if your payment arrives only a few days late each month it still hurts your rating. Also not paying on time causes unnecessary late fees and charges and can often lead to increased interest rates.
3. Report any address changes to creditors to avoid misplaced bills and late payments.
4 . If you ignore your credit problems, it will only cause more negative impact to your rating. Contact and talk to your creditors before you are late on your...