Help boost my internet sales, is a common phrase I am hearing from internet marketers. Boosting your internet sales is not very difficult but you must go through a checklist to see what the problem is. I am going to assume that you have already generated the traffic to your website. If you have not then this article is not for you. There are many other articles and ebooks that will help you generate traffic to your website. This article is for marketers who have the traffic but are just not converting their traffic into sales.
The first important question is where are you receiving your traffic from? Are you generating the traffic yourself or paying someone to generate it for you? Just getting traffic in general does not matter, you need targeted traffic. There are many companies out there who guarantee 1 million visitors to your site. If you are getting your traffic from one of these companies, stop. These companies are normally not reputable. I am not going to get into the details but in most cases the traffic is worthless. Next are you misleading your customers. For example are you posting ads in the dog food section because that section has a lot of hits but in...