If you have ever visited Hawaii then you already know how beautiful and picturesque these islands are. They offer fantastic food which cant be matched anywhere in the world and the Hawaiian coffee is another thing which is highly sought after worldwide. Hawaiian coffee, also known as Kona coffee, offers a rich flavor that is addictive to the discriminating coffee drinker.
Hawaiian coffee is grown on small farms and is typically wet-processed. When coffee is wet-processed it removes the four layers that immediately surround the bean. The result is a cleaner and fruitier coffee that is simply irresistible in taste. There are now many countries that produce fine coffees that also use the wet process. One specific plant known as Typica produces a very low harvest but also produces a very desirable cup of coffee.
The tropical Hawaiian climate is perfect for producing the Hawaiian coffee that is so famous. Clouds usually protect the island from the direct rays of the sun. This, combined with the rich, volcanic soil and the right amount of moisture, provide perfect conditions for the rich, sweet taste of the Hawaiian coffee. People who love this coffee will have to pay...