If youre not familiar with HD Radio, its the hot digital technology thats being pushed by radio broadcasters as the next big thing and the savior of terrestrial radio.
The Good
First, the good news. HD Radio does sound better than regular radio. In fact, HD AM sounds almost as good as FM radio, and FM sounds almost as bright, clear and interference free as if you were listening to a CD. And because HD is digital, broadcasters can squeeze more signals into the same frequency. This allows them to broadcast different programs on what theyre calling HD2 channels. For example, an oldies station could program contemporary C&W on its normal frequency, and old-time C&W on its HD2 channel.
More good news is that fact that, depending on who you believe, there are now either 1,300 to1,500 stations in the U.S. that are broadcasting HD Radio.
The difference? Its that he HD Radio Alliance claims there are 1,500 HD stations, but the FCC has only 1,300 licenses on file.
The bad news
While HD Radio may sound great and while there at least 1,300 stations broadcasting HD Radio, you cant hear them. That is, not unless you purchase an HD radio....