There was some news last week from the Center for Disease Control that some head lice are becoming harder to treat. They have apparently done an evolutionary type of “change” and some seem to be adapting to specific shampoos used to eradicate them. This could be a parents worst nightmare. Take heart however, pyrethrin shampoos are still the best way to get rid of head lice.
Head lice seem to be very hardy bugs and have been around for thousands of years. They are very contageous if your child comes into direct contact with the head of someome who is infected. You can also come into contact with head lice by sharing combs and brushes, or hats. Head lice can also be picked up from sharing pillows and from some upholstered furniture. It is a good idea to keep any area where the person infected with head lice may sit vacuumed before, during, and after the treatment process.
If your child comes into contact with head lice at home it is very important that you notify his/her school and any playmates immediately. If your child is under two years of age it is best to contact your pediatrician for head lice treatment advice as most pyrethrin shampoos are...