Two faith healings have stuck in this writer’s memory over the years. Both of these healings occurred while he was still pastor of a denomination church. The two Healing Delivery Vehicles used were “the laying on of hands” and the “anointing with oil accompanied with prayer.”
These two healings occurred in a revival meeting we led in a denomination church in East Texas. He had felt impressed to have a time of healing ministry for a few nights, but held off on it because those dear people were denominational and were not strong believers in healing. After asking the pastor what he thought about it, he said, Go for it. Have a healing time during the next service. So we did.
That night, twenty two people came to the front where the pastor had set up a healing line. Most of them were healed right on the spot, right then and there.
Here are the descriptions of the two healings that really stand out in this writer’s memory. First, an elderly man who had diabetes came for healing. He was seventy two years old at the time. He was healed of his diabetes then and there. Touching base with the pastor years later, he said that this...