According to the US FDA Healthy weight is a body weight that is appropriate for your height and benefits your health. The healthy weight theory is also commonly known as the Set-Point Theory.
Living in a body considerably heavier than its healthy weight promotes increased risk of asthma, heart disease, high blood pressure/hypertension, osteoporosis and arthritis, Type 2 diabetes, gallstones, stroke, and certain types of cancer (esp. colon, breast, and female reproductive system). Obesity has also been associated with increased risk of problems with anxiety and depression.
As much as we may desire to be more slender than our healthy weight, it is not in alignment with our ideal health and overall wellness. The foundation of a successful weight loss program is a shift in consciousness towards a proper weight management program geared, one focused on reaching and sustaining an individual bodys healthy weight.
BMI – The FDA recommends a measuring tool called the BMI or Body Mass Index for helping determine whether you are at a healthy weight for you or if are underweight or overweight. The BMI is based on a persons height and weight. A BMI of 19-24...