Heart supplements that will energize your body and reduce the side effects of statin drugs.
If your get up and go got up and went these heart supplements are just what youve been looking for. If you are taking any of the statin family of drugs such as Lipitor, Zocor or Crestor to lower your cholesterol you should not be without CoQ10. These drugs can literally kill synthesis of CoQ10.
New clinical research
You might say this study included a little monkey business. The subjects were thirteen male and eight female baboons. These primates were fed a variety of diets that were supplemented with different amounts of vitamin E and coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10).
The purpose of the research was to measure the effectiveness of CoQ10 and vitamin E in reducing inflammation in the body. The inflammation was measured by conducting a simple blood test of C-reactive protein (CRP).
A New England Journal of Medicine studies showed that people with high levels of C-reactive protein were almost three times as likely to die from a heart attack.
When CRP levels were analyzed, vitamin E was found to lower levels of inflammation to an average of less than half...