The most common causes of heel pain is a condition called plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis is the inflammation of the plantar fascia. The plantar fascia is a broad band of tissue which originates from the heel, runs along the sole of the foot and connects to the toes.
The plantar fascia works like a rubber band between the heel and the ball of your foot to form the arch of your foot. If the band is short, you’ll have a high arch, and if it’s long, you’ll have a low arch, what some people call flat feet. A pad of fat in your heel covers the plantar fascia to help absorb the shock of walking. Plantar fasciitis is often referred to as a heel spur which is a calcium deposit in the plantar fascia attachment. The heel spur does not cause pain.
Athletic tape is applied to the plantar fascia and works be reducing tension by preventing the fascia from stretching.The tape is strapped from the heel to the base of the toes. Tension is maintained by the tape thus allowing the fascia to rest and heal. The tape has to stick to the skin for it to work due to the tension being transferred through to the skin. Specific athletic tape should be...