There are some tried and true ways to build your credit if you are just starting out. It is often in the early days of using credit that many younger people fall into trouble. The last thing any young man or woman or just married couple needs to do is ruin their credit rating before they even get started. Here are some tips that can help you build your credit and help you stay out of trouble.
All consumers, regardless of age, must know that living without credit these days can be hard. Homes, cars, college education all require the use of credit for most people. Without sources of credit many people simply would not be able to afford these things. Credit ratings are also used for other purposes as well, such as employment and security clearances. All in all, having a good credit record is a very valuable thing to have in this day and age.
There are actually many ways to establish your credit. Here are some tips that can help get you started:
You need to put your apartment and your utilities in your own name. If someone else, like mom or dad, have their names on these items they will get the credit boost, not you.
If you are working and can afford it,...