For over many centuries now, memory techniques have evolved in which how they are used and learned by people. We all know that the process of remembering information is called mnemonics. We also know that mnemonics isnt similar to magic tricks but due to its proven efficiency, its considered a technique pertaining to memorization.
If you havent realized yet how our memory works, a persons memory effectively functions to how it associates objects and information. But of course, what we need to practice at is how we focus on things and such and eventually associate or link them with other information that enable us to remember what we need to remember.
One way of how to remember things easily is to rhyme words. How do you think were able to carry riddles and rhymes during our nursery years in school up to the later years of our lives? Just reading this question alone makes you remember one or two nursery rhymes youve learned, right? This also answers how toddlers are able to cope with what they learn in school at this very early stage of their lives. This is also the very reason why rhymes are considered as common memory aids.
Another effective memory...