You can now get rid of ugly warts that may appear on your face,hands,feet,or even your genital,etc.There are many folk remedies for removing warts,but their apparent effectiveness is simply due to the fact that most warts eventually disappear on their own accord.The best way you can treat a unsightly wart is to apply a wart remedy in the form of paint,cream,or plaster.
These are available without a prescription at most drugstores. These preparations contain chemicals that will destroy the the abnormal skin cells. However, these chemicals will also damage surrounding healthy cells,so the preparations should always be applied very carefully to minimize the soreness of the wart. You must not treat warts on your face or genitals with a wart remedy,because the skin on these areas are very sensitive. And never allow these type of preparations to get into your eyes.
Your dermatologist may prescribe a more effective kind of wart preparation. If these preparations are not working your dermatologist may freeze the wart with liquid nitrogen or may decide to burn it off with electricity. When using this treatment that can be rather painful the wart will probally just fall...