There are few things more damaging to a relationship than an addiction. I constantly hear from my readers that their partners marijuana addiction eats away at their finances, ruins the time they have to spend together and overall leaves them feeling second-best to a leafy green weed.
It is understandable that a person dealing with their partners marijuana addiction will feel frustrated, insecure and even angry at their partners unwillingness to change their ways. Unfortunately, these feelings often result in animosity and fighting rather than a solution of the problem. It takes a person of great character and patience to stay with an addict through their recovery especially when they are not willing to admit they have a problem.
Many marijuana smokers still believe that pot is not an addictive substance. How can you convince a loved one to stop smoking marijuana when they dont believe its doing them any harm? The very nature of this drug contributes to the problem; as your pot-smoking partner smokes more and more often, they tend to lose their perspective. They truly cant see the damage they are doing to your relationship. They dont understand the amount of time...