Would your child rather watch television and play video games all day than move an inch? Children are battling obesity and inactivity at alarming rates. Its time to get our kids in shape now, before they face serious health problems in the future. But how?
As you can guess, the plan includes lots of fun. Any time you can add excitement and laughter into an activity, youve got a winner. Lets take a look at some of the ways you can help your child not only become healthier, but enjoy the process!
First, plan some family nights out, and by that I mean Outdoors. Catching fireflies, passing football, even camping out in the backyard get the whole gang moving. Plus, youre making memories for a lifetime.
Secondly, kids love fun, unusual games. Check out a book of outdoor games at the library, and play some of the oddest ones. Use a tennis racket and large plastic ball for baseball, a giant exercise ball for kickball, and balloons for volleyball. The simple changes make the game more fun sometimes downright hysterical!
Next, its time to look for a physical hobby something that requires movement. Gardenings a great one plant giant pumpkins, King...