Natural disasters have devastated natural landscapes and the lives of millions in recent years. While technology is aiding us in keeping proactive in avoiding our presence in times of these traumatic events, many people are being seriously injured. The aftermath of these events has raised the need for professionals such as emergency medical technicians and trained nurses.
Extreme times call for extraordinary training and measures. Local communities cannot rely on a normal chain of events to follow in the wake of a natural disaster. Trained Disaster Management professionals are needed in exigent times at the local, national, and international level.
Professionals are needed for analyzing risks, implementing strategies to reduce risks, planning and instilling public education, response to crisis events, coordinating with pertinent agencies, etc.
Disaster Management professionals organize medical relief as well as search and rescue operations, provide water and food supplies, set up emergency shelter, etc. They work closely with organizations like the Red Cross to provide optimal care for emergency situations. Hospital based professionals plan, train, direct...