If you are approaching the end of high school and are ready to begin investigating colleges, there are several factors to consider before deciding what college is right for you. Whether you want to study medicine or painting, accounting or physical education, there are hundreds of colleges to choose from, each with their own specialized programs of study. Narrowing down your options can be a challenging task, but it is important to make an informed choice about where to continue your education.
When you are deciding which schools to which you would like to apply, you should first assess your chances of being accepted. If you are a C student with average test scores and no extra-curricular activities, you might not want to put all of your application eggs in one Ivy League basket. However, if you can afford to, you should always apply to the school of your dreams on the off chance that it just might come through for you. If you dont try, you will never know whether or not you could have gotten in.
If you have made straight As throughout high school, have high SAT and ACT test scores and have participated in a wide variety of activities, you have high chances of...