Highlife Adventures: How to Transform Dating into an Adventure During the New Year
Highlife Adventures offers these five dating tips to singles in Chicago and Indianapolis who have resolved to meet other singles including potential mates during the New Year.
For many of the 92 million adult singles in the U.S., the dawn of the New Year is accompanied by resolutions to get back into the dating game and find a mate. Yet according to Mary Vallone, President of Highlife Adventures, an upscale social club for singles in Chicago and Indianapolis, people are often jaded if not downright cynical about dating. “Everyone has horror stories about dates gone bad, but most negative experiences occur because people are looking for dates in the wrong places,” she says. “With a bit of direction and a dose of common sense, having a rich and rewarding social life is almost guaranteed.” Here are some tips for dating singles for the new year.
1. Indulge Your Passions
If you have a hobby or a pastime you enjoy, get together with others who share your interests. “You’re much more likely to meet compatible people if you already have...