Hirsutism: What Is It And How Can You Get Over It?
In the condition known as hirsutism, individuals will experience a larger than normal amount of hair growth on the body. While it can affect both men and women, it is usually ladies that will suffer more often. The hair is commonly found on the chest, on the face, on the stomach or the back. It will be dark, thick and coarser, in most cases, then hair found elsewhere. It is not a bad thing but it is uncomfortable and unwanted inmost cases.
Why Is It There?
Individuals who are dealing with hirsutism want to know first of all how it happens. In most cases, the problem for women is excessive levels of male hormones. It is important to understand that women have these hormones usually, but at much lower levels. When there are excessive amounts of them, specifically androgens, there are often results that are less than favorable such as with the occurrence of hirsutism. Individuals will likely have a deeper voice; they may have acne and menstruation cycles that are not balanced and regular. They may have more muscles than other women do. It is also important to point out that hirsuitism can also occur...