Every year, America devotes time for communities to honor the past and take pride in preserving it for the future. As government spending on preservation programs continues to decline drastically-in 2007, the budget will be cut by $15 million-May’s National Preservation Month highlights the critical role that individuals and communities will have to play in protecting our country’s history. It is through involvement in local preservation efforts such as saving the oldest drive-in movie theater, the Admiral Twin Drive-In in Oklahoma, or restoring Hogback Bridge in Iowa, one of the famed Bridges of Madison County, that citizens can do their part in restoring and revitalizing their communities.
There are several easy ways to get involved.
VISIT THE LIBRARY-Every community is infused with local and historical significance; most of us have just not taken time or don’t know how to research it. A good place to start is the library. Make an event out of it-take the family for an afternoon and challenge one another to identify street corners and houses you’re familiar with that hold historical significance.
TAKE A LOOK AROUND-When you see a...