Airline credit cards have not been around for as long as you may think. In fact, they are a fairly new option available to credit cardholders. Nonetheless, airline credit cards have quickly gained in popularity and can be found partnered with every major airline.
The First Airline Credit Card
The first airline credit card to be offered to consumers was the City AAdvantage MasterCard. When it came out, the card allowed consumers to earn miles with every purchase made. These miles could then be redeemed for free air travel through a variety of airlines. This card remains one of the major players in the airline credit card industry. Today, you can redeem your airline miles at over 25 different airlines. In addition, you can redeem miles for discounts at numerous hotels and car rental companies.
Airlines Follow Suit
Realizing what a great idea airline miles credit cards was, airlines started following suit and partnering with credit card companies to create their own airline credit card. The United Airlines Plus card was next. This card was the first airline credit card to be specific to an airline. Although the card did not offer the...