Credit Cards have become an absolute necessity so much so that we take them for granted. A number of money experts have already slated the paper currency as a dying dinosaur. But have you ever wondered where did this plastic money of credit card come from? What is the history of credit cards? Whose genius was it anyways?
Though the idea of “have now, pay later” existed since the 1700s but it was only in the early 20th century that the banks started taking credit protection in form of overdrafts. In 1914 Western Union gave its customers a metal card allowing them interest free deferral payments. This gave their clients a freedom to spend beyond their means. However, the idea of actual credit card did not strike ‘father of Credit Cards’, Frank McNamara until he forgot his wallet back home while going out for a dinner with friends.
This embarrassing moment was just too much for McNamara. Thus, he created the “Diner’s club card”. It was initially a businessmen’s card for dinners and retails purchases while traveling but by the end of 1950 it had become a phenomenon. A national frenzy that began with just 200 customers...