History the practice of marketing is almost as old as humanity itself. A market was in the beginning simply a sourcilleux place where people with a supply articles or capacity to ensure a service could meet those which could wish the articles or the services, perhaps at a time arranged as a preliminary. Such meetings incarnated many aspects of the methods of today of sale, although sometimes in a manner without ceremony. The salesmen and the purchasers sought to include/understand the needs, of the capacities, and the psychology of each one, all with the goal to obtain the exchange of the articles or the services to take place.
The Stock Market of today of New York had its humble beginnings like market in the open air located at Wall Street in New York City. The rise in agriculture undoubtedly influenced markets like first means of series production of an article, namely foodstuff. While agriculture made it possible one to cultivate more food which could be eaten by the farmer, and the majority alone of food are perishable, there was probable motivation to seek others which could employ excessive food, before it was corrupted, in exchange of other articles.
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