The Messenger Stakes has a long history of tradition and is the third and final race of the Triple Crown of Harness Racing for Pacers. The Messenger Stakes was first started in 1956 and was immediately paired with the Little Brown Jug and the Cane Pace to form the Triple Crown. The Messenger Stakes was named to honor that great pacing sire Messenger. The horse was born in 1780 in England and was later sent to the United States. Messenger proved to be one of the greatest sires of pacing race horses and virtually all the pacers seen in todays sport can be traced back to this magnificent stallion.
When the Messenger stakes was first created, it was hosted by Roosevelt Raceway. The race remained at Roosevelt raceway from 1956 until 1988, when it was forced to change locations due to the closure of the track. For the next several years, the Messenger Stakes was hosted by several different racetracks. For six years between 1989 and 1994, the Messenger Stakes was hosted by several different racetracks including Yonkers Raceway in Yonkers, New York, Freestate Raceway in Maryland and Rosecroft Raceway, also in Maryland. In 1995, the Messenger Stakes move to The Meadows in...