Home Base Business Ideas. 100% Success If You Copy These Home Base Business Ideas
People buy from those they know and like. They resist sales effort from everyone else. SBI! Action Guide, DAY 1.
Home base business ideas. The Fine Art of Pre-selling a Product or service
It is a known fact that about 95% of websites fail within the first year. Even the ones with awesome products, great design and a streamlined checkout process.
Why is this?
Everywhere you look youll see websites that do nothing but sell, sell, sell and then sell some more. These sites have missed the boat and stand to be among the 95% that fail.
Home base business ideas… Remember the quotation above and hold onto your hat!
People will buy from someone they know and/or like. That is the key point to pre-selling and it is more important on the Internet than anywhere else.
This is because the customer cannot see you, hear you or interact with you in any palpable way. You need to earn their trust and earn their respect as an authority on whatever it is they are looking for.
Lets use a simple example; You walk into a shoe store and the moment your...