If you are a business man or at least own or do business with a people on a regular basis, I have only one question for you. Are you working at home, and if not why the heck not? Let me tell you that I used to think, much like you probably do, that home business was for the freaks and the social derelicts among us who couldnt take the pressures of the boiler room. Right? That is what you are thinking right now arent you?
Well I just want you to be open minded and listen to me while I try to convince you that home business is really what all the smart guys are doing, not the losers. Im making you nervous arent I? Yeah, I am saying that you might not be as cool as you think you are. So where do I begin? Well for starters you arent as cool because you are more of a slave to the status quo than you might think. You probably have to where a suit everyday which probably cost a lot (unless you work at Art Van), and it probably costs a lot on a regular basis to get cleaned, and it probably isnt as comfortable as sweat pants are. The only reason you where it is because there is an expectation that you, as a proper businessman would do it. When you think about it there is no other...