If you happen to be an ardent coffee lover, there could not be a better way to enjoy a mug of coffee than brewing coffee beans on your own. And making coffee out of these self-roasted beans would be a fulfilling experience. I bet! You would love to have and offer others this self brewed coffee.
If you think I am kidding with you, then you need to think again. A good number of home coffee roasters are on the block and are quite easy to operate. You can buy home one such roaster to enjoy the perfect cup of coffee with self brewed and roasted coffee beans. Every morning you can roast beans as per your requirement and enjoy the mug full of coffee with your desired taste. What a fantastic way to greet the day!
Although these roasters offered for home use happen to be a bit pricey, but this cost could be borne for your urge to enjoy perfect cup of coffee every morning. Moreover you get liberty to roast as per your taste. If you are not willing to enjoy a strong cup of coffee you can roast it for comparatively lesser time, you can also do it vice a versa.
But coffee brewing is an art that you will have to learn gradually, otherwise you would end up destroying...