In this current busy world of ours, the time to eat would probably be the time when the whole family could gather round, partake in the food and spend some quality time talking about how their day was. For any mother for that matter, preparing a meal for the family would probably be one of the most satisfying feelings that you get especially if your family enjoys your cooking. But the busy schedule of mothers who have their own careers doesnt give them the luxury of time to prepare and cook meals once they get home tired from work. Majority of them either order takeouts or have food delivered to the home. I strongly believe that a mother should at least even once or twice a month engage in cooking for a day or two for her family despite the busy schedule.
Choose recipes that you think you could well handle or prepare. Select those with ingredients that you are quite sure that your family would love and eat. It would also help the budget conscious to choose dishes requiring ingredients that you more or less have in your refrigerator or pantry to avoid purchasing a lot of ingredients. I know that there would certainly be some ingredients that you couldnt find in...