While not legislated as it is in the entire United Kingdom, the United States is nevertheless no slouch when it comes to home energy assessment. The use of a domestic energy assessor to determine what a home is doing to reduce carcinogens from being released into the environment and to improve its energy efficiency has become, if not common place, at least readily available.
One company has been training and employing domestic energy assessors by the hundreds for the last four decades. A leading provider of these certified domestic energy assessor professionals, the firm studies and energy efficiency of homes in 30 of the U.S. states. It also moved into the realm of commercial and government buildings, which many domestic energy assessor employers have not had the scale to do. Its software applications and staffing meet the needs of even the largest companies and government agencies. For the last 28 years even the major utilities have been the recipient of energy audits by the firms domestic energy assessors, as well as inspections and follow-up support activities to implement the suggest energy efficiency improvements.
Nor are low income properties left behind in...