Why train at home rather than going the grind with a bunch of like-minded people at the public gym?
Here are a few reasons:
– Cost- A gym membership for a year can seem costly against buying equipment that will last longer.
– Privacy- If currently unfit it can seem more attractive to train with privacy.
– Time restraints- Busy lifestyles may mean odd hours to train, which may not fit into opening hours.
– No pressure- watching others train at a higher level can sometimes put undue pressure on us to perform before physically ready.
– Less complex- often, walking into a public gym can seem overwhelming trying to work out which machine does what and where to start.
– No waiting- At home you never need to wait for equipment to be free.
– Convenience- no travelling, no packing gear, no shared amenities, no forgotten water bottles.
Take care to eat well, and get good advice on safety. Starting out can be on a small scale, and gradually build up the equipment.
Never start out blind, without a sensible training plan and correct technique. If you cause yourself an injury, or...