If you have two or more computers at home that are wired together to share resources, then you have a home computer network. Anyone who uses a computer, which encompasses almost everyone, should be aware of the need to back up important data. There are options available for network data storage that may not be available for the single computer. The first step in deciding how to conform your network data storage is to determine the type of backup you should use. Usually a backup is done by making a copy of all of the existing files, like a snapshot in time, and then adding backups of the changes as they occur. The other decision to make is the location of where to keep the backups.
Here, There and Everywhere
If you don’t store very much on your home computer network, you may be able to manage your home network data storage project on DVD’s. With a small amount of information needing backup, you might just use rewritable DVD’s and make a full copy of chosen files as needed. If there is one or more computers on your network that is primarily used for internet use, email, web surfing and games, then the need for data backup is limited. The benefit of...