There are professional home building contractors that have a large collection of home remodeling tools they can use to complete a job properly. These home remodeling tools might consist of a sander, circular saw, paint sprayer machine, wall paper brushes, paint brushes and electrical tape.
For an inexperienced home repairer, the amount of home remodeling tools that they will have on hand to use everyday will be severely limited. At best, an inexperienced home repairer might have a good, wooden handled hammer, a paint can opener, a roll of electrical tape and masking tape and a Phillips head screwdriver that has seen better days.
All of these home remodeling tools have been used by friends, relatives and by the inexperienced home repairer to fix little things in the house, and the car. Some of these home remodeling tools are caked with grease from an uncertain area underneath the hood of the family automobile.
When strangers look underneath the hood of the family vehicle they see immediately that the battery cables show evidence of some sort of abuse and the dents on the battery heads must have been caused by the ill-fated hammer that the inexperienced...