Home Schooling Disadvantages: Are You Sure Youre Ready?
Many parents eager to begin home schooling their children have though long and hard about the benefits home schooling will bring to their children. But unfortunately they often fail to consider the home schooling disadvantages which can also play a big part in their childrens academic and social development.
While parents may love the idea of allowing their kids to learn at their own pace without being pressured to keep up or labeled dummies if they need to spend more time than most of their classmates in mastering a subject, one of the home schooling disadvantages which they may not be factoring into their home schooling decision is whether or not their skills as teachers are up to helping their kids learn difficult material.
One of the biggest home schooling disadvantages is that a parent will be completely responsible for designing his or her childrens schedule, curriculum, and the moral and social values to be instilled in them as a part of their education. That sort of responsibility will extend well past the hours in which a parent and kids are actively engaged in home school.
The Time...