If you are considering or doing home schooling there are some benchmarks you can use.
When your child has reached the equivalency of second grade they have already learned a host of language items. One of these critical learning elements is that of correct spelling. Home educators just like teachers work diligently to reinforce spelling words at the second grade level.
As a home educator you can follow the methodical approach to teaching second grade spelling that is used by education professionals. This approach makes the process predictable and comfortable for the children in the home classroom. Following a systematic process allows the child to get comfortable with the learning process. Structure provides a sense of security for the child in dealing with second grade speeling words.
A list of curriculum is generally organized by vowel sounds. This provides an added bonus of understanding phonics while learning vowels as a part of spelling. This is better than creating a haphazard list of 2nd grade spelling words as educators can choose to introduce them by sound and by common elements, namely vowels.
When using the vowel approach generally the...