Think carefully before you run out to your local electronics supplier and purchase a home security camera system. Just as with terrorist protection and thievery protection systems, home systems require you to plan out your system before you go shopping. The simplest systems are set up at the front door so you can see who is standing there when the doorbell rings.
They provide the comfort that comes in viewing the person or persons who are knocking at your door before you open it and let them in. If necessary, there are two-way audio systems, as well as video, that allow you to ask the people questions, such as producing identification by holding up badges or identification cards to the cameras for your inspection.
So your first decision is, should I include two-way audio along with the camera at my front door? Next you would ask, should I have the camera connected to a recording device or is the simple ability to view people enough? One entrance, one system and already there are questions that need to be addressed. For the simplest of home security cameras you can purchase a kit that would include the features you need.
The next question you have to ask...