In 2004 the Bureau of Justice reported that:
-77% of all crime was property related
-17% of all crime domiciles were violated by a burglar
-85% of all burglaries the offender gained entry into the house or other building.
In the article “Home Security: Do It Yourself Home Security” we talked about ideas to prevent entry to your home. But the fact is that a determined burglar will get into your home. That is his job and let’s face it, looking at the statistics, they are unfortunately good at it. Remember this: property crime occurs every 3 seconds, a home burglary every 15 seconds.
The home burglary that has received the most attention recently involved the theft of a laptop from a Veteran’s Affairs analysts’ home. The laptop reportedly had the personal data for 26.5 million veterans.
Three other tactics might be used to help prevent a burglary are home security alarms or burglar alarms, property marking and home security cameras.
Property marking is simply marking all your valuables with an identifying “signature” so they can readily be identified when recovered. Methods of marking include...