A neighborhood watch program has excellent benefits for all participants. Thieves and other encroachers are less likely to enter into a home in an area with neighborhood watch program. All the areas who join the program carry sign which demarcates their participation and if a thief does try to enter into a home, the neighbors have a good chance to notice this and inform the police immediately. No wonder then that a neighborhood watch program is always on top of any burglary prevention and protection agenda. To participate in a neighborhood watch program is an inexpensive method to protect your home. You merely have to devote sometime to look after your immediate neighborhood and the goings on your neighbors will do likewise too. So the program is mutually beneficial.
Most neighbors of course unofficially do keep a watch around. If you find that your area still does not have a neighborhood watch program, it could be a good idea to walk across and discuss with some of the neighbors to start one. And if they are also aware of the benefits of the program, it could be that they will happily participate in the program. To get into this program, there are some basic steps that...