Fears have long been held for the future of our children and their literacy and numeracy skills, or lack thereof. With so much poor quality language spewing from popular music, television shows and among youth, is it any wonder that they are slipping behind and not able to read, write or perform simple mathematical tasks without difficulty? Home tutors are a valuable, behind-the-scenes workforce concentrating on these educationally challenged individuals and helping them to develop basic skills to enable more efficient learning.
Aside from the obvious inadequacies made to seem ok in popular culture, like not wanting to be branded a geek and having to use cool language to be accepted, there are also lifestyle factors that do nothing to encourage students to excel, or even get by, in school. Absent parents who need to work long hours, exposure to less than positive influences 24/7 in their bedrooms via the Internet or cell phones and a general lack of supervision contribute to a lack of interest in education. Thankfully, home tutors are becoming more widely used to pick up the slack. Not only do they provide concentrated learning but also a set time to focus on educational...