Homemade Acne Treatments – How To Do It The Right Way?
Experts say acne facial treatments should begin with the diet and hygienic habits. Then there are over-the-counter drugs available, which have improved over the years and can bring about immediate results in most cases. But these things are successful in most cases and not in all cases. For such exemptions people who have experienced allergic reactions to medicines or for those the diet adjustments do not work it is advisable to try out homemade acne treatments. Such acne facial treatments are effective and cheap and one does not need the advice of a doctor to try it out.
One of the effective homemade acne facial treatments is cleansing the facial skin regularly using cotton dipped in alcohol. The alcohol not only cleanses the pores, but it also kills the bacteria causing infection. But take care not to over do it as excessive use of alcohol can cause skin irritation or cause the skin to peel off.
For somebody having a heavily oily skin, using oatmeal mask can bring about substantive results. This acne facial treatment makes use of a paste of oatmeal and water, which the person has to apply to...