Growing up it seemed that no matter what was wrong with my brother and I, my mom always had something with a nasty taste or smell that would heal any cuts and scrapes and I swear if I came home with plague she would have made some kind of bubbling potion that would cure it.
Tea with Lemon:
The first thing they will tell you to do when you get a cold is to drink tea with lemon. This will usually relieve some of the symptoms and give you temporary relief. The reason this works is simple. The hot water from the tea helps open up your repertory system, and the lemon is full of vitamin C which is good for your immune system. Taking vitamin C everyday can help you avoid cold before they start.
Antiseptic Soup:
I know the name Antiseptic soup does not sound appealing, but the soup is made from garlic. The soup helps open the repertory system. The soup also helps kill the germs already in the body causing the cold, and by adding a tablespoon of onion juice you can help remove toxins from your body to help speed the body’s recovery time.
Ginger is another way to lower a fever. It is prepared by cutting up about of an ounce of ginger...